With your help, LIZ’s initial project will be to create a website with a guided and simplified web-based interface that will help survivors of domestic abuse prepare and electronically file petitions for domestic violence restraining orders (“DVRO’s”) against their abusers.
Currently, there is too much time and effort required to get the correct forms, properly fill them out, and go to court to file them. Many victims may never start this process or may simply give up along the way.
With LIZ's assistance, our consumers will have an increased likelihood of successfully obtain a restraining order.

Often, abusers control the money. In fact, not many people know that unreasonable financial control over a partner's money is a form of domestic abuse.
With this initiative, our goal is to promote financial independence from the abuser. We will offer a checking account that is owned and controlled by the survivor with no monthly service charge through established, federally insured banks. Our consumers will also have access to free Financial Wellness Seminars that provide practical, useful information about money management.

The mental and emotional dynamics involved in deciding to stay or leave an abusive relationship are complex.
With this initiative, we will focus on mental health care. We will partner with local, like-minded mental health professionals to provide the non-judgmental support and advice needed to address the challenges associated with leaving an abusive relationship. Restraining orders obtained through our service will seek costs for mental health services necessitated by the abuse, as permitted under the Domestic Violence Prevention Act.

Isolation is a common form of domestic abuse, and sometimes the prospect of being alone prevents victims from leaving their abusers.
With this initiative, we will focus on offering safe association with others who have had similar experiences and who may come from similar cultural backgrounds through social networking and mixing events. Social mixers can be any kind of event, ranging from dining to charity games, which may provide opportunities such as business and employment networking, fundraising, friendship, and support.

“Each time a woman stands up for herself without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women."